Redesigned the main menu for a fresh and improved user experience. Updated Phaser game library to 3.86 to enhance performance. Fixed issues with bee behavior, p...
Fix for newly-hatched workers spawning in invisible if the player wasn't logged in. Wizard Hat and Knight Helmet bees added. Improved page loading time. In-game...
The main menu has received an overhaul, multiplayer has been stripped out to save on server costs. Singleplayer has been split into two games modes: Sandbox i...
- Yellow jacket and giant wasp spawn rate decreased. - Minimap camera follows the player. - Number of starter hives equals the number of queen bee bots on the m...
2019/11/3: ver. 0.9.6 Workers collide with the edge of the map. Workers target nearby threats better and ignore threats that are too far away. Only one giant w...
Logins saved so players are automatically signed back in when the game is reloaded. All unlockable skins now animated rather than lifeless static sprites. Setti...